In the garden of solipsism, flowers bloom for eyes that cannot see the sun.
Alone, the mind becomes its own prison.
Where existence is curated to deny the dance of contradictions; the soul withers in a garden without weeds.
Social AI, a new mobile app, invites you to live in your own personalized, private social media world, populated exclusively with AI bots that you hand-selected and customized to your own preferences. No pesky real people are part of this world, no trolls, no opposition, disagreement, contradiction.
Life in such an environment is inherently solipsistic. It is the social media version of a brain in a vat that receives all sensations and stimuli from the outside by neural links. In this thought experiment, the brain lives and acts within a world that is both imagined and real, a subjective world constructed from nothing but external data processed by the brain.
Social AI seduces with an even more perfect solipsistic environment, a world that is virtually better than the real thing, a bubble that is your own private universe populated only by people that you have invited, approved and, to some extent, created. And Social AI even solves the problem of other minds — they are not real, well, not human.
The appeal of a solipsistic paradise where the boundaries of reality dissolve into a curated digital illusion should not be underestimated. When social media transforms into a personalized sphere populated solely by agreeable voices and artificial companions, we exchange the richness of genuine human interaction for the sterile comforts of our own making. This curated experience promises a seductive social echo chamber that shields us from the rich tapestry of actual human experience—disagreement, dissent, and the beautiful chaos of authentic interaction. How many poor souls will prefer surrender to the social Ersatz world populated by AI bots?
Note: The feature image for the post was generated by AI with the first aphorism as prompt.
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